Churchills Secret Army.

Churchills Secret Army.



Home guard

Home guard

 The Auxillary units were  secret civilian sabateurs / resistance fighters of WW2 hiding under the guise of a Auxillary unit attached to the Home Guard, but in reality they were totally seperate and under direct command of MI6 and S.O.E. under the explicit request of Churchill himself.

These units consisted of the highly trained underground resistance force nicknamed (Scallywags). A total of 4,000 - 5,000 men. They got any orders through the wireless operator teams and the message runners. This kept the 6-8 men in the unit completely secret from all other units and also from the chain of command at G.H.Q.

this site is mainly concerned with the groups of resistance in the Purbeck hills of DORSET but as with most things, other details gradually come to the surface.

As they do I will add them to the site.

We also have to remember that 80 years on, details become blurred and information gets lost in the mist of time. So I apoligize now if some details are wrong or misleading.

If any corrections are brought to my attention i will of course correct them.


John Wareham (editor)