Churchills Secret Army.

Churchills Secret Army.


The Book of Sgt Fred Simpson.

This is a journal of recollections that were told to Ken Williams, the brother in law of Sgt Fred Simpson. The patrol leader of the Creech Barrow Seven Aux unit. 

From joining  the Local Defence Volunteers in 1939 (Home Guard) when the name was changed and then selected for special training as a Home Guard Aux unit, "Home Guard Special Forces" resistance unit through 1940-1944 and then being stood down in 1944. there were 4 - 5,000 of these men in 6-8 man units from Scotland round the East coast, and the South coast round to South Wales.

These boys were bound by the official secrets act to tell no one about these duties for 50 years. they told no one for over 70 years and some took this secret to their grave's.

Some were called cowards and given white feathers and they still kept quite.

In those days they could have been killed for treason if they told.

These were untrained men taken from the farm, shops or mines etc, trained to be top Guerrilla/ resistance men and then they returned them to the Plough and were ordered to be silent on pain of death. Some of these Aux men from other unit's went on to join the S.A.S in 1943/44 and go on to Normandy and beyond in France 1944-45. some from the Dorset units went to operation Bullbasket, when they were betrayed by double agents then were tortured and assassinated as spies in a woodland ambush. 

So far the book is in hard copy (not hard back). AVAILABLE DIRECT FROM ME. Please use contact page.

Also available from,

Swanage tourist information centre. Central on the esplanade

I can also do a audio MP3 reading of this book on CD. Narrated by me.

John Wareham (editor)